Die Raute

Kultur und Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen aus Litauen.

Die Raute (the Diamond) was first a part of the Heimatstimme as the culture section of that paper until it ceased publication in December of 1970. After that, Die Raute was published on its own, as the newspaper for the Germans from Lithuania containing a wide variety of subject matter. It was published by the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Litauen (Land Association of Germans from Lithuania) until 2018.

The publication is of great value to the genealogist and family historian as articles contain the history of the German community in Lithuania, news items that were of interest to the group, and obituaries as well as birthday and anniversary announcements.

The IAGL would like to thank E. Hein and S. Hein for their donations of materials to this collection.

Available Issues of Die Raute