Litauendeutsche in den Personenstandsregistern der Stadt Salzgitter
Tobias Meyer liefert Hintergrundinformationen zu den Personenbüchern der Deutschen aus Litauen in Salzgitter
IAGL Helps Sue Perkins Find German Roots in Lithuania
Association of Germans from Lithuania finds several generations of Sue Perkins’ German ancestors in southwest Lithuania for the BBC One Programme “Who Do You Think You Are?”
The War in Ukraine: The IAGL’s Response
History has shown us the cost of silence, so we must speak out.
A German from Lithuania’s Memoir: George P. Blum’s Story
The story of a German family living in southwestern Lithuania during WWII provides amazing first-hand insight into their experiences.
The Genealogist’s Ultimate Translation Guides: In Their Words
IAGL Geschäftsführer Owen McCafferty discusses his recommendation for books on Russian, Polish, and German translations.
EWZ & More: Over 10K Non-Church Records Added to IAGL Database
The IAGL has added over 10,000 non-church records to its database, including records from the EWZ.
Improvements to Online Index + New Records Coming.
The IAGL has some exciting improvements to our online index to make it easier to search and some new record collections coming.
Stadtporträt: Serey (Seirijai)
Researcher and IAGL board member Al Hirsch discusses the history and importance of the city of Serey (Seirijai) as it relates to the Deutsche aus Litauen.
IAGL Mentioned in IGGP’s “Partner Zeitung”
The IAGL is delighted to have been mentioned in IGGP’s issue of “Partner Zeitung.” The IAGL is now an official partner organization within IGGP’s global network.
The Towns & Villages in the Suwałki Gubernia: Online Index
This online index makes finding a particular village in southwest Lithuania faster and easier.
Germans from Lithuania: A Basic Overview for Beginners
A general overview of the history and context of the ethnic German minority who once lived in southwestern Lithuania.