The Lutheran Church in Wischtiten Needs Your Help.

The historic Lutheran church in Višytis is in desperate need of repair.

(cover image: © Alvydas Seniūnas, Manoji Lietuva 2020)

The Lutheran church in Wischtiten (Lithuanian: Vištytis) Lithuania was built in 1844 by the Lutheran congregation there, most of whom had German roots. The church remained active until the end of WWII when the country became part of the USSR. It wasn’t until after Lithuanian independence in 1991 that efforts to restore the church could begin. Finally in 1998 support from former members of the church from Germany and the small congregation of Lutherans in the area helped restore and re-open the building.

Several years ago, the church received a new roof which was badly needed. Unfortunately, the water damage caused during that time period reaked havoc on the ceiling and and wood floors of the church.

Water damage takes its toll

Although the newly installed roof will help to prevent further damage to the interior of the church, years of water dripping through have caused significant damage to the ceilings and floors of the church, This serious damage makes the building unusable except for a service held once per month. Tourists and other visitors are not permitted as a result.

Crumbling stairs and columns create an unsafe entrance

The front steps of the church are crumbling and after years of use are unsafe especially when wet. The front supporting columns are also in need of repair.

Pastor Makes Plea for Donations

Local pastor Vaidas Klesevičius issued a call for help to the world-wide community.

IAGL Collects Donations to Help

Donations for the church are being collected in Lithuania using direct wire transfer which is a typical and popular way to make payments in Europe but is not typical in the U.S. or Canada (and also is expensive to do). As a result, the IAGL has agreed to collect donations on behalf of the church in order to make it easier for Americans to donate to the cause. 100% of the funds collected for this effort by the IAGL will be passed along to the Lutheran church in Wischtiten.

The IAGL is collecting funds for the benefit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania and 100% of funds raised by the IAGL for this effort will be transferred to that organisation. As a result, your donation may not be tax deductible under the United State Internal Revenue Code or the tax laws of any other nation. Consult with your tax professional for further clarification or information. 

Click the button below to donate to the Wischtiten church restoration effort via PayPal.

To donate via Check or Money Order:

Make donation payable to “International Association of Germans from Lithuania” and write in the memo “Wischtiten Church Repair”. Mail to:

Wischtiten Church Repair
P.O. Box 957
North Olmsted, OH 44070-0957

Donate via Direct Wire transfer:

If you would like to donate via direct wire directly to the church you can do so to this account:

Vistytis Lutheran Church
Taikos 59
70346 Vistytis, Lithuania
Konto LT10 7044 0600 0670 8923
SWIFT code CBV1 LT 2x